Lourdes Rubio and the path to financial stability!

A life dedicated to service:

Lourdes Rubio

Lourdes Rubio is a beacon of resilience, empathy, and leadership within the Latino community. Born and raised in Mexico, her calling led her to earn a degree in the field of hearing and speech. With a profound passion for service and education, she sought to continue her growth, embarking on a life-changing journey: a master’s degree in Mental Health in the United States, made possible by a scholarship that opened doors to expand her impact back in Mexico. However, destiny had a test of resilience in store for her.


The earthquake test and the strength of her spirit

The Test of the Earthquake and the Strength of Her Spirit

In 1985, Mexico was struck by a devastating earthquake, and international aid, including scholarships, was suspended. Lourdes found herself facing an unimaginable reality: the uncertainty of how to afford her education, housing, and food.


“I learned that I had to make decisions, and I decided to complete my master’s degree at all costs. By negotiating exchanges, I did many kinds of work, from washing pots in a cafeteria to teaching at a university level.” Due to the negligence of an immigration attorney, Lourdes had to spend nearly five years without legal immigration status. When she was finally able to resolve her residency, she also chose to get married.


Unwavering service to the Latino Community

After overcoming these challenges, Lourdes settled in the United States and dedicated 26 years of her life to serving the Latino community in public schools, where she became a trusted counselor. Her certification as a professional translator allowed her to serve as a vital bridge between immigrant families and the educational system. The connection she built went beyond a professional bond; it was a human link that understood the struggles and dreams of her students, most of whom were children of immigrants who had faced hardship on their journey to a new country.

  • “No te rindas a lograr lo extraordinario solo porque es difícil” -Lourdes Rubio

A new perspective after the storm

In 2018, Lourdes suffered a heart attack. It was a difficult episode, but also a moment of deep revelation—a wake-up call that forced her to confront life’s fleeting nature and question the purpose of her efforts. In that vulnerable space, she realized that her time in this world couldn’t be just a series of routine workdays; it needed to be a conscious legacy that would endure in the lives she touched. Her decision to retire was not an act of resignation but of courage; it was an acknowledgment that true fulfillment lies in aligning our actions with our deepest passions and values.


This epiphany led her to found Rubio Homes DMV, a project that went beyond real estate advisory and became a symbol of hope and progress for the Latino community. Lourdes understood that financial stability is much more than having a roof over one’s head; it’s about belonging, building a home, and creating a foundation upon which families can thrive. “Each family I advise carries with them not just a contract but a dream under construction,” reflects Lourdes.


“The game of Life” and the construction of dreams

The journey to financial stability is like a game of Monopoly, Lourdes explains; one must be willing to play in order to win. “The first step begins with a decision,” she emphasizes. She has simplified what often seems complex, turning home buying into an accessible process, guiding families with personalized action plans to help them reach their goals in an informed and secure way. “The goal isn’t just a sale; it’s helping people make decisions that transform their lives,” she asserts.


With a legacy built on service and courage, Lourdes remains an inspiring figure, reminding everyone that bold decisions and a desire to help can change lives.


Oreidy Bracho

Es una apasionada escritora, terapeuta holística y profesional en los negocios y finanzas, con una carrera que abarca más de dos décadas en el mundo de las palabras, las terapias y el life coaching. Ha encontrado su pasión en la búsqueda de respuestas a situaciones personales para encontrarse con su versión más empoderada y luego de recibir todos los beneficios ha escogido devolver al mundo lo que ha recibido ayudando y acompañando a otros. Desde temprana edad, Oreidy Bracho siempre tuvo una inclinación por la escritura creativa. Esta pasión la llevó a convertirse en fanática de los cuentos, historias y del género de ficción, leyendo innumerables libros a lo largo de toda su vida, lo que le ha permitido empezar a construir una carrera en el mundo de las letras unido a su pasión por los números y el Life Coaching.

Como terapeuta holística y Life Coach, también comparte su sabiduría en sanación emocional y bienestar a través de sus escritos, talleres y charlas. Cree firmemente en la importancia de la conexión mente-cuerpo-espíritu para lograr un equilibrio completo en la vida de las mujeres modernas. Además de sus artículos y su trabajo en el campo de la terapia holística, es autora de varios libros de ficción, donde despliega su creatividad para contar historias que cautivan a los lectores. Adicionalmente, ha tenido el honor de colaborar en un libro conjunto junto a otros 15 destacados autores del género de ficción, ampliando aún más su presencia en la comunidad literaria. Oreidy Bracho es una fuente constante de inspiración para mujeres de todas las edades que buscan alcanzar su máximo potencial en todos los aspectos de sus vidas. Su dedicación a la escritura, el desarrollo personal y la literatura la convierte en un modelo a seguir para muchas, y su influencia continúa creciendo a medida que sigue explorando nuevos horizontes en el mundo del empoderamiento femenino y el Life Coaching.


Miriam Schapiro: