"I am not a victim of infidelity; I am a survivor who chose her own path."
Hazel Bailey:
Hazel Bailey is the living proof that life sometimes throws challenges your way that seem insurmountable, but in reality, they prepare you to become the best version of yourself. Born in El Salvador and raised in Los Angeles, California, Hazel found love at a young age and, at 19, moved to Maryland to build a home with her first boyfriend. For her, this relationship was the ideal of perfect love, one in which she placed her complete trust.
The betrayal came in the most unexpected way. She discovered that her partner had been unfaithful with his cousin. This blow was devastating, but it was only the beginning of a series of painful revelations involving another family member and even her own mother. Despite the overwhelming disappointment and sadness, her convictions led her to make a radical decision: to end the relationship. "Forgiving would have meant betraying my self-love, so I chose to value myself," she confidently stated.
The path that followed was difficult, but Hazel found the strength to keep moving forward. With three children to care for and a part-time job, she knew she couldn’t give up. Her children became her driving force, and though loneliness and pain accompanied her, she clung to the idea that the only person she could truly count on was herself.
“Pain does not define who I am; my ability to overcome it does.”
Though the pain lingered day and night, she decided to transform her suffering into personal growth. Her job and the support of her supervisors were crucial, as she was soon promoted to a full-time position, which allowed her to provide her children with their own home and a fresh start. “God granted me what I cried out for in solitude and in my nights of suffering,” she expressed.
Hazel wanted more for her life—determined not to be defeated by pain, she knew she had to challenge herself—so she decided to enroll in college. Studying became her therapy, a way to channel her thoughts and build a better future. She later graduated with a degree in Accounting.
She found solace in hiking, connecting with nature, and setting new goals and projects, which helped her heal and renew her spirit. She learned that her strength didn’t come from what she had lost but from what she was willing to gain. She never labeled herself as a victim but as a woman capable of overcoming any obstacle. “My story is not one of defeat, but of triumph,” she added.
Today, Hazel Bailey is a successful professional who has ventured into media, working with Telemundo and Univision. Her television project, "Blue Melrose TV," which will enter its second season in January 2025, focuses on education and mental health. This project reflects her commitment to the well-being and empowerment of others.
“I knew giving up wasn’t an option—I had to prove to myself that I could rise stronger than before.”
She believes she was reborn from the ashes, leaving behind the pain of the past and opening her heart to love again. She didn’t allow her painful past experience to define her perception of men or love. Her story is a testament to the power of self-love, a reminder that, although life may knock you down, it’s always possible to rise and reinvent yourself to build a better life, full of faith and hope.